How to fight "jet bloating"

Published on by Izabella

Forget about jet lag and disrupted sleeping patterns, we're talking about "jet bloating" today and which foods you should absolutely avoid before and while flying if you want to avoid this very uncomfortable travel condition. Jet bloating isn't new, travellers have been fighting it for as long aviation history. It's nature that the body reacts to gases expanding in the stomach due to high altitudes by burping and bloating.



What can you do about it?

It's common knowledge that come foods produce more gases and lead to water detention than others when eaten and digested, so the trick is to avoid eating those certain foods before you fly to avoid as much as possible that uncomfortable bloating that we usually associate with air travel. Travelling at such high velocities and in such an environment already puts a toll on our bodies so it's good to do as much as we can to make the trip as painless as possible.

What foods to avoid:

  • broccoli
  • salty snacks
  • beans (duh!)
  • fizzy drinks
  • bread
  • fois gras
  • peaches
  • fried foods

Now that we've covered what not to eat, you're probably wondering what it is that you should eat to keep your body hydrated and fresh while flying. First up, green tea. It's good to stick to green teas instead of coffee and black teas before and during your flight. As for fruits: bananas, pineapple and berries are all great for digestion. Onions and garlic also come highly recommended, although you may want to go easy on the garlic or else your breathe will surely be loathed by the passengers sitting next to you! If you're nervous, eat celery. If you're stressed, leafy greens will do the trick. If you're feeling queasy, get yourself some ginger.


What kinds of foods to you usually take to travel? What's your strategy for staying healthy while travelling?


Img: summer park / Flickr cc.

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