Your travel bucket list: how to

Published on by Izabella

Just like anyone makes a "to-do" list, travellers also do. While theirs includes more than just doing the laundry, picking up prescriptions from the drugstore and the usual errands, travellers create life-long lists of places and experiences they want to collect before they die.


The bucket list.


The term became popular thanks to a film released in 2007 starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, both on their last limbs. They travel the world and live out their last days to the fullest!



The term comes from the saying, "kick the bucket." The wish list being a list of things someone wants to be before they kick that proverbial bucket. While it may seem a little morbid, there's nothing more inspiring than creating a list like this and adding to it. It also helps give some direction to your future holidays.


Step 1


Whether you jot it down in a notebook or make yourself your own image board for inspiration near your workspace, it's important to actually write it down and not keep it stored up in your head. You know how the memory works and you wouldn't want to forget something. 


Step 2


Gather inspiration. You'll probably be able to come up with a dozen or more things on your own to add to your list but why stop there? Browse the travel magazines at your local newstand or read up on some of your favourite travel blogs to gather inspiration.


Step 3


Plan your next trip! A great way to do this is by getting a large world map and place all your experiences, routes, sights, dreams on the map with small photos, little texts, etc. Then group them together by country or region. Is it possible to do one or two things in one holiday? Maybe you tackle Machu Picchu in Peru next summer or your discover the culinary delight of Thailand.  


Step 4


GO! There's nothing left to do than persue your dreams and start crossing things off from your list! 


What are your top must-do experiences and must-see places? Have you made a travel bucket list before?

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