Tokyo enjoys earliest cherry blossoms ever

Published on by Izabella

Tokyo's cherry trees are getting a head start on spring this year and have bloomed earlier than ever before. Hanami, the cherry blossom viewing is a very special time in Japan and is a must for travellers heading to this Asian destination. This year the trees are getting a head start and have bloomed especially early. The Japanese Meteorological Agency has announced the beginning of Sakura season on the weekend as the agency's index tree, located at Yasukuni Shrine show its first flowers last week.


The unseasonally warm weather has brought the blooms a whole ten days earlier than the average, a whole 15 days earlier than just last year. It has Tokyo locals excited with a spring in their steps as warmer weather is well on its way! It is estimated that the cherry trees will be at their peak just before the Easter weekend. 

Did you know that the cherry blossoms are so popular for locals that some arrive in the city's most popular parks as early as 8am to reserve the perfect place under the trees for a mid-day picnic? Enjoying a light meal under the trees has been a tradition for centuries, no doubt started by Japan's aristocratic and royal societies hundreds of years ago. Today, it's the best way to ring in spring with your closest family and friends.

Sakura only lasts two weeks from the first bloom so if you want to experience this incredible phenomenon, catch those last minute flights to Japan... now!

Image: atomische / Flickr cc.

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