Dealing with the "worst case scenario" while travelling

Published on by Izabella

Travelling is one of the most exciting and thrilling things we can do in life. It's the experiences we cultivate on the road that really shape who we become, the people we meet along the way becomes friends for a lifetime but travel doesn't always go according to our plan. Often it happens when we don't even expect it so it's good to be ready in case your travel nightmares come true.


It's important to act quickly and to be able to flip these "nightmares" around into something positive. It's good to think, "this'll make a good story later." Because believe us, it will. Here are a few common travel mishaps that can make or break your trip. Don't let them break your trip, handle the situation in the right way and you won't even be phased.


Stolen wallet and passport

It can happen as an accident or you can be pickpocked and robbed. In any case losing your wallet, credit cards and passport is one scary predicament. It's good to have a back-up plan. Always know where the nearest consulate and embassy are to get a replacement. Keep a photocopy of your passport and extra passport sized photos with you separate from the originals. Also, keep at least one credit or debit card separate from the rest so that you can access emergency funds if your wallet goes missing. It can take as little as 24 hours to get replacement travel documents and an emergency replacement credit card. No sweat!




Cancelled flights

It really depends on why your flight was cancelled. If it was because there is a hurricane sweeping through and there's no way at all that any flight will take-off then all you can do is sit it out and try to make the best of it. Your airline will get you home as soon as they can. As a golden rule, always check your flight's status before leaving for the airport. Pack some absolute necessities in your carry-on like a change of clothes, a few pairs of underwear, toothbrush and a mobile phone charger. If you're stranded, tweet your airline. You'll get a much quicker reply than trying their customer service line.


Lost luggage

This can put a major damper on your trip but it's not often that luggage is completely lost. It almost always turns up somewhere and if it happened to miss the plane, it'll arrive on the next flight, sometimes as soon as a few hours later. If your bag doesn't come out on the baggage carousel, go to the nearby baggage information attendant and fill out the necessary forms. It's a lot easier if you have your name and contact information at home and your hotel information clearly marked on the outside of your bag.




What's your worst travel nightmare?

Image: jonrawlinson, shanghaidaddy / flickr cc.



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