3 tips for travelling the world

Published on by Izabella

Wether you are buying your first round-the-world ticket, are setting out to visit every country in the world or simply heading to another continent for the first time there are a few things that you need to know first. There are only two things you need to travel: time and money. While a lot of us may have one and not the other, once you can manage to squeeze a bit of both, you're off!



Research and paperwork... boring but necessary

It's essential to make a plan before you take off and explore the world. While you don't have to suffocate the life out of your trip by over-planning, it's a good idea to have at least some idea on which direction you'd like to go. Map out a general plan but know that this can always change with new inspiration you find on the road or hiccups you may encounter along the way. Good to know:


- how to cross borders between the countries you want to visit

- are visas required, what do you need to get them, how to apply?

- what are the transportation options while you're there?

- what is the geography like, will you need any special gear or clothing?


Money, money, money


Everyone has a different opinion about money and travelling. Some swear by carrying enough cash to get them out of a pinch if they need. Some carry a money-belt, others split their cash and hide it in several places in their luggage. In some places, you cannot rely on finding an ATM or that this ATM will accept your bank card. Always have a back-up in case you cannot access money. As for cash on a RTW trip, US dollars are the most widely accepted currency.




Speak the language

It's impossible to learn them all, especially if your trip takes you to several different regions of the world. But you should learn the basics in a few. You may get lucky and meet people around the world that speak English but there are many regions and cities where the locals aren't likely to know a single word. In this case, it's helpful to know basic French, Spanish and Portuguese. This will help you travel through much of Africa, Europe and the Americas. Apart from that, it's useful to know the Cyrillic alphabet and always Google how to say three basic words before you arrive:


- hello! goodbye!

- please

- thank you


You're set! Now all you need to decide is where to start!


Images: pullpusher, 401(k) 2012 / Flickr cc.
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